How to Upload Trigger Image to Drop Box?


Using the Chooser

The Chooser is the fastest way to go files from Dropbox into your web app. It'southward a small-scale JavaScript component that enables your app to get files from Dropbox without having to worry almost the complexities of implementing a file browser, authentication, or managing uploads and storage.

This tutorial will guide you lot through everything you need to practice to add the Chooser to your app and customize it to adjust your use cases.


Click the button below to come across the Chooser in action. This demo triggers a Chooser, which lets you choose a file from your Dropbox. Once a file is selected, the link is returned to the host website.

Link type:
Chooser push:
Choose something from Dropbox to see the return value


The showtime pace in adding the Chooser to your app is to create an app. Using the Chooser doesn't crave production approving, then yous can publish your integration to your users as before long as you're prepare.

When you create a Chooser app for the web, yous'll need to provide the domain names where your app is hosted. This lets us terminate other websites from trying to impersonate your app.

Once you've created a new app, add the following JavaScript snippet to your HTML. Employ the pull-down carte du jour beneath to select your Dropbox app and the app central will be pre-filled for you.

Sign in to see your apps or create a new app.
Generic embed code (insert your app cardinal)
<script blazon="text/javascript" src="https://world wide" id="dropboxjs" data-app-key="YOUR_APP_KEY"></script>

Triggering the Chooser from JavaScript

There are 2 means to trigger the Chooser on your website. To create the nice styled push you see in the demo above, you can use the following JavaScript:

var button = Dropbox.createChooseButton(options); document.getElementById("container").appendChild(button);                

If you lot adopt to pattern a custom button instead, you can trigger the Chooser straight from JavaScript using the following method:


Note that the Chooser opens in a pop-upward window, so you should only call this role from within a user-triggered consequence handler such as a tap or click upshot. Otherwise, the pop-up volition likely be blocked by the browser.

Both methods accept a single options parameter with the post-obit fields:

options = {      // Required. Called when a user selects an particular in the Chooser.     success: part(files) {         alarm("Here's the file link: " + files[0].link)     },      // Optional. Called when the user closes the dialog without selecting a file     // and does not include whatsoever parameters.     cancel: office() {      },      // Optional. "preview" (default) is a preview link to the document for sharing,     // "direct" is an expiring link to download the contents of the file. For more     // data most link types, see Link types beneath.     linkType: "preview", // or "straight"      // Optional. A value of false (default) limits pick to a single file, while     // true enables multiple file selection.     multiselect: fake, // or true      // Optional. This is a list of file extensions. If specified, the user will     // only be able to select files with these extensions. You lot may also specify     // file types, such as "video" or "images" in the list. For more data,     // see File types below. By default, all extensions are allowed.     extensions: ['.pdf', '.md', '.docx'],      // Optional. A value of fake (default) limits choice to files,     // while true allows the user to select both folders and files.     // You cannot specify `linkType: "direct"` when using `folderselect: truthful`.     folderselect: false, // or truthful      // Optional. A limit on the size of each file that may be selected, in bytes.     // If specified, the user volition only be able to select files with size     // less than or equal to this limit.     // For the purposes of this option, folders have size nil.     sizeLimit: 1024, // or whatsoever positive number };                

Handling the response

The files parameter in the above success callback function will be an assortment of file objects, each containing info about the selected file. If multiselect is fake, the array will incorporate a single item. Each file object includes the following fields:

file = {     // Unique ID for the file, compatible with Dropbox API v2.     id: "id:...",      // Proper name of the file.     proper name: "filename.txt",      // URL to access the file, which varies depending on the linkType specified when the     // Chooser was triggered.     link: "https://...",      // Size of the file in bytes.     bytes: 464,      // URL to a 64x64px icon for the file based on the file'south extension.     icon: "https://...",      // A thumbnail URL generated when the user selects images and videos.     // If the user didn't select an image or video, no thumbnail will exist included.     thumbnailLink: "https://...?bounding_box=75&way=fit",      // Boolean, whether or not the file is really a directory     isDir: false, };                

The thumbnail link contains query string parameters that specify how the thumbnail is generated. By modifying these parameters, you tin can construct URLs for other sizes and modes of thumbnails:

  • bounding_box Bounding box size for the thumbnail which must exist 1 of the following values: 75 (default), 256, 800, 1280, 2048.
  • mode I of the post-obit resize modes:
    • fit default Shrink the original image maintaining the original aspect ratio until the entire paradigm fits inside the bounding box.
    • crop Shrink the original image until its width or superlative fits in bounding box, then crop anything outside the bounding box.
    • fit_one_and_overflow Shrink the original prototype until its width or tiptop fits into the bounding box but do not crop the left overs. The returned paradigm will be larger than the bounding box. This is useful for situations where y'all need to utilise a foursquare thumbnail merely too desire to use that epitome as a placeholder while yous load a college resolution version in the groundwork.

Note, thumbnail links are temporary; links volition expire after iv hours.

The Chooser can be configured to return one of two link types.

  • preview links are the default type of link returned by the Chooser. Preview links signal to a human-friendly preview folio of a file and are bully for sharing. You tin can read more well-nigh links to Dropbox files in our Help Centre. Note that users may disable this link at a subsequently point if they choose.
  • direct links point direct to the contents of the file and are useful for downloading the file itself. Dissimilar preview links, however, they will expire later on four hours, and then make certain to download the contents of the file immediately after the file is called. Straight links also support CORS, which allows you lot to read the file information directly in the browser using client-side JavaScript. These URLs should not be used to display content directly in the browser.

File types

In addition to individual file extensions, the extensions parameter in JavaScript allows the post-obit file types: images, audio, video, documents, and text. Each file type corresponds to a listing of individual file extensions, as defined below.


  • bmp
  • cr2
  • gif
  • ico
  • ithmb
  • jpeg
  • jpg
  • nef
  • png
  • raw
  • svg
  • tif
  • tiff
  • wbmp
  • webp


  • aac
  • aif
  • aifc
  • aiff
  • au
  • flac
  • m4a
  • mid
  • mp3
  • m4b
  • m4p
  • m4r
  • oga
  • ogg
  • opus
  • ra
  • ram
  • spx
  • wav
  • wm


  • 3gp
  • 3gpp
  • 3gpp2
  • 3g2
  • asf
  • avi
  • dv
  • dvi
  • flv
  • m2t
  • mp4
  • m4v
  • mkv
  • mov
  • mpeg
  • mpg
  • mts
  • ogv
  • ogx
  • rm
  • rmvb
  • ts
  • vob
  • webm
  • wm


  • csv
  • medico
  • dochtml
  • docm
  • docx
  • docxml
  • dot
  • dothtml
  • dotm
  • dotx
  • eps
  • fdf
  • key
  • keynote
  • kth
  • mpp
  • mpt
  • mpx
  • mpd
  • nmbtemplate
  • numbers
  • odc
  • odp
  • odg
  • ods
  • odt
  • pages
  • pdf
  • pdfxml
  • pot
  • pothtml
  • potm
  • potx
  • ppa
  • ppam
  • pps
  • ppsm
  • ppsx
  • ppt
  • ppthtml
  • pptm
  • pptx
  • pptxml
  • prn
  • ps
  • pwz
  • rtf
  • tab
  • template
  • tsv
  • txt
  • vdx
  • vsd
  • vss
  • vst
  • vsx
  • vtx
  • wpd
  • wps
  • xdp
  • xdf
  • xlam
  • xll
  • xlr
  • xls
  • xlsb
  • xlsm
  • xlsx
  • xltm
  • xltx
  • xps
  • wbk
  • wpd
  • wi


  • <no extension>
  • applescript
  • as
  • as3
  • c
  • cc
  • clisp
  • coffee
  • cpp
  • cs
  • css
  • csv
  • cxx
  • def
  • unequal
  • erl
  • fountain
  • ft
  • h
  • hpp
  • htm
  • html
  • hxx
  • inc
  • ini
  • java
  • js
  • json
  • less
  • log
  • lua
  • m
  • mm
  • markdown
  • mat
  • md
  • mdown
  • mkdn
  • mustache
  • mxml
  • patch
  • php
  • phtml
  • pl
  • plist
  • properties
  • py
  • rb
  • sass
  • scss
  • sh
  • shtml
  • sql
  • tab
  • taskpaper
  • tex
  • text
  • tmpl
  • tsv
  • txt
  • url
  • vb
  • xhtml
  • xml
  • yaml
  • yml

Supported browsers

Not all browsers support the Chooser. If a user's browser doesn't support the Chooser, we'll gray out the push and show a warning message if y'all try to phone call Dropbox.cull(). You tin can check to run across if the user's browser is supported by calling Dropbox.isBrowserSupported() .

The Dropbox Android Chooser is now deprecated.

Using the Chooser

The Chooser is the fastest way to become files from Dropbox into your Android app. Information technology's a small library that enables your app to admission files from Dropbox without having to worry about the complexities of implementing a file browser, OAuth, or managing uploads and storage. Accept a wait at a screenshot of what the Chooser looks like inside an Android app.

This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to practise to add the Chooser to your app and customize information technology to suit your use cases.


The Android Chooser SDK zip contains a DropboxChooserSDK Android library project.

You'll also need to create a new app here if you oasis't already as you'll need the App central beneath.

Calculation the Chooser to an Android Studio project

You lot'll need to add the DropboxChooserSDK to Android Studio so add together it as a dependency in your projection.

Creating the new module

  1. Open up Android Studio, become to File → New Module → Import Existing Project (Eclipse ADT or Gradle Project) → and press Adjacent
  2. Press the "..." push button next to the Source Directory field and select the DropboxChooserSDK binder you only unzipped. Press Next.
  3. Go through the rest of the module creation flow. Click Next again, and then click End.
  4. Y'all should now have a DropboxChooserSDK module in your projection.

Calculation the dependency

  1. Inside Android Studio, switch to the "projection view".
  2. Right click on the app module and click Open Module Settings.
  3. Select the Dependencies tab.
  4. In the lower left corner, click the "+" (Add together) button, select Module dependency and select the dropboxChooserSDK module.
  5. Click OK, and so click OK again. You may have to look for Gradle to sync.

Calculation the Chooser to an Eclipse project

Yous'll need to add the DropboxChooserSDK to Eclipse and so reference it in your project.

Creating the new project

  1. Open Eclipse, go to File → New → Other → Android → Android Project from Existing Lawmaking and press Side by side
  2. Press Browse next to the Root Directory field and select the DropboxChooserSDK folder you lot just unzipped. Printing Finish.
  3. You should now accept a DropboxChooserSDK project.

Referencing the projection

  1. In Eclipse, correct click on your existing project and click Properties.
  2. In the menu on the left mitt side, select Android.
  3. In the lower Library section, click Add and select the DropboxChooserSDK project.

Example app

The Android Chooser SDK null besides contains a ChooserExample Android app project that implements an expanded version of the code below. Open it and follow along with the rest of this guide.

Triggering the Chooser

Your app should give the user a push or action that asks them to select a file from Dropbox. This example sets up a click handler in onCreate() for a button called chooser_button that will trigger the Chooser. You'll need to add a button with the same name to your layout as well.

In this example, we'll asking a preview link blazon using DbxChooser.ResultType.PREVIEW_LINK (read more most link types below). This example also uses an Activity but it works only likewise with a Fragment.

Exist certain to supercede APP_KEY with the existent value for your app.
import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnClickListener; import android.widget.Button; import;  static final int DBX_CHOOSER_REQUEST = 0;  // You lot can change this if needed  private Button mChooserButton; private DbxChooser mChooser;  @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);     setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);      mChooser = new DbxChooser(APP_KEY);      mChooserButton = (Button) findViewById(;     mChooserButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {         @Override         public void onClick(View v) {             mChooser.forResultType(DbxChooser.ResultType.PREVIEW_LINK)                     .launch(MainActivity.this, DBX_CHOOSER_REQUEST);         }     }); }

The Chooser coordinates with the Dropbox app to allow the user to select files without having to worry nigh the usual authorization flow. In order to handle the response when the user returns to your app, you'll need to add a hook to onActivityResult():

@Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent information) {     if (requestCode == DBX_CHOOSER_REQUEST) {         if (resultCode == Action.RESULT_OK) {             DbxChooser.Result consequence = new DbxChooser.Effect(data);             Log.d("main", "Link to selected file: " + result.getLink());              // Handle the result         } else {             // Failed or was cancelled by the user.         }     } else {         super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);     } }

If the user cancels, resultCode volition be Activity.RESULT_CANCELED. A successful choice will be Activity.RESULT_OK. In the case of a successful pick, you can create a new DbxChooser.Result to handle the response.

Handling the response

The DbxChooser.Result created in the onActivityResult() callback volition contain the info nearly the selected file.

public static form Result {      // URI to access the file, which varies depending on the link blazon specified when     // the Chooser was triggered     public Uri getLink() { ... }      // Name of the file     public String getName() { ... }      // URI to a 64px 10 64px icon for the file based on the file's extension     public Uri getIcon() { ... }      // Size of the file in bytes     public long getSize() { ... }      // Set of thumbnail URIs generated when the user selects images and videos. Information technology     // returns three sizes with the keys: 64x64px, 200x200px, and 640x480px.     // If the user didn't select an image or video, no thumbnails volition be included.     public Map<String, Uri> getThumbnails() { ... }  }                

The Chooser can be configured to render one of three link types.

  • ResultType.PREVIEW_LINKlinks are the default type of link returned by the Chooser. Preview links point to a human-friendly preview folio of a file and are dandy for sharing. Yous tin can read more virtually links to Dropbox files in our Assist Center. Annotation that users may disable this link at a later point if they choose.

  • ResultType.DIRECT_LINKlinks point directly to the contents of the file and are useful for downloading the file itself. Unlike preview links, however, they volition expire after four hours, so make certain to download the contents of the file immediately after the file is chosen. These URLs should non be used to display content straight in the browser.

  • ResultType.FILE_CONTENTlinks (Android only) point to the bodily file on the local device and let your app take advantage of files cached by the Dropbox app. However, these files are temporary and can exist cleaned upward by the operating system at any signal, so you should re-create it and manage it inside your app if you need to keep the contents of a file.

Android API back up

The Android Chooser SDK includes the Android Support Library and is written to support Android API version 8 and college. To support Android API versions 8, 9, and 10, your app must extend Activeness or android.back instead of Fragment. If it doesn't, yous'll meet the following mistake in LogCat when using the Android Chooser on these older versions:

The Chooser requires Fragments. If below API level xi, laissez passer in a FragmentActivity from the support library.

Also, the Android Support Library that is bundled with the Chooser may conflict with the support library in your project if your project has a unlike version. If y'all see a "Jar mismatch! Set up your dependencies" mistake in the Console, delete android-support-v4.jar in the libs directory of DropboxChooserSDK and copy the version of android-support-v4.jar from your projection into that folder.

The Dropbox iOS Chooser is now deprecated.

Using the Chooser

The Chooser is the fastest fashion to become files from Dropbox into your iOS app. It's a pocket-size framework that enables your app to admission files from Dropbox without having to worry near the complexities of implementing a file browser, OAuth, or managing uploads and storage. Take a look at a screenshot of what the Chooser looks like on iOS.

This tutorial volition guide you through everything you need to practice to add the Chooser to your app and customize it to adjust your use cases.


The iOS Chooser SDK zip contains DBChooser.framework and DBChooser.parcel.

You'll also need to create a new app hither if y'all haven't already, as yous'll need the App key below.

Adding the Chooser SDK to your projection

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Navigate to where y'all downloaded the SDK and drag the DBChooser.framework and DBChooser.package folders into your projection in Xcode.
  3. A confirmation dialog will pop up. Brand sure Re-create items ... is selected, so press End.

Creating a URL scheme

The Chooser coordinates with the Dropbox app to allow the user to select files without having to worry about the usual authorization flow. Simply in club to smoothly hand the user dorsum to your app, you need to add a unique URL scheme that Dropbox can call. You'll demand to configure your project to add together one:

  1. Click on your project in the Projection Navigator, select the Target choice on the left, choose the Info tab, expand the URL Types department at the lesser, and press the + button.
  2. In the URL Schemes enter db-APP_KEY (replacing APP_KEY with the key generated when you created your app).

For iOS 9+, you'll also need to add the Dropbox URL Scheme to your list of allowed schemes.

  1. Open your YourApp-Info.plist file and add the primal LSApplicationQueriesSchemes.
  2. Under LSApplicationQueriesSchemes, add two new items with the values dbapi-i and dbapi-three.

The source lawmaking for your Info.plist file should now accept the following:

<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</cardinal> <array>   <string>dbapi-1</string>   <string>dbapi-3</cord> </assortment>                

Example app

The iOS Chooser SDK zip also contains a ChooserExample Xcode project that implements an expanded version of the code below. Open it and follow along with the rest of this guide.

Triggering the Chooser

Your app should give the user a push or activity that asks them to select a file from Dropbox. This example uses a didPressChooser IBAction to your view controller to trigger the Chooser. You lot'll demand to connect it to a push button in Interface Builder.

This case requests a preview link type using DBChooserLinkTypePreview which is explained more in the Link types section below.

#import <DBChooser/DBChooser.h>  - (void)didPressChoose {     [[DBChooser defaultChooser] openChooserForLinkType:DBChooserLinkTypePreview                                     fromViewController:self completion:^(NSArray *results)     {         if ([results count]) {             // Process results from Chooser         } else {             // User canceled the action         }     }]; }

The Chooser coordinates with the Dropbox app to allow the user to select files without having to worry about the usual authorisation flow. In lodge to handle the response when the user returns to your app, you'll need to add a hook to -awarding:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation: in your AppDelegate:

#import <DBChooser/DBChooser.h>  - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url     sourceApplication:(NSString *)source note:(id)annotation {      if ([[DBChooser defaultChooser] handleOpenURL:url]) {         // This was a Chooser response and handleOpenURL automatically ran the         // completion block         render YES;     }      return NO; }

That'south it! The handleOpenURL: hook volition call the completion cake when control returns to your app. Now you can handle the results parameter of the completion cake.

Treatment the response

The results parameter passed to the completion block will be an NSArray of DBChooserResult objects, each containing info about the selected file. Currently, the array volition contain a unmarried DBChooserResult object. If the user cancels the Chooser, the results parameter will be nil.

@interface DBChooserResult : NSObject  // URL to access the file, which varies depending on the link type specified when the // Chooser was triggered @property NSURL *link;  // Name of the file @property NSString *name;  // Size of the file in bytes @property long long size;  // URL to a 64x64px icon for the file based on the file's extension. @belongings NSURL *iconURL;  // Gear up of thumbnail URLs generated when the user selects images and videos. Information technology returns // three sizes with the keys: 64x64px, 200x200px, and 640x480px. If the user didn't // select an image or video, no thumbnails will be included. @holding NSDictionary *thumbnails;  @end                

The Chooser can be configured to return one of two link types.

  • DBChooserLinkTypePreviewlinks are the default type of link returned by the Chooser. Preview links point to a human-friendly preview page of a file and are keen for sharing. Y'all tin read more nearly links to Dropbox files in our Help Centre. Note that users may disable this link at a afterwards point if they choose.

  • DBChooserLinkTypeDirectlinks bespeak directly to the contents of the file and are useful for downloading the file itself. Unlike preview links, however, they will expire subsequently four hours, then make sure to download the contents of the file immediately after the file is called. These URLs should not be used to display content straight in the browser.

Handling multiple app keys

The case uses the defaultChooser, which is created and initialized with the URL Scheme you registered during setup. Y'all may take a project that requires multiple app keys because it too uses another Dropbox API. In this instance, yous'll need to explicitly initialize your ain example of the Chooser with the right app cardinal by using the -initWithAppKey: method.


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