How Many Times Does Goku Tail Grow Back

  • #1

I was wondering why Goku & Vegeta don't have tails cos I wish they still did.

The Daizenshuu description is that the tail will often suddenly grow back if the Saiyan is in danger...

According to Jaco, Saiyans don't go become teenage size, they just go from kid size to adult size.

So maybe only while they're still a kid, their tails can grow back when their in danger.

(And based on manga stuff only...)

Goku's tail grew back twice during Dragon Ball as a kid, once after Puar cut it off, and a second time after Gohan Sr. pulls it off. We don't see it grow back after Kami pulls it off, and next time we see Goku he is adult sized.

Vegeta' tail got cut of by Yajirobe, and didn't come back.

Based what we see, Gohan as a kid loses his tail after Piccolo rips it off, and it grows back during his fight with Vegeta.

Gohan is human so does grow to teen size. But the tail didn't come back as a teen for him either as far as we know.

We never see Trunks & Goten with tails in the manga. (Dunno about anime).

  • #4

Where does Jaco say Saiyans don't go through their teen phase?

He says it in the Jaco book, so no to the rest, it's not a retcon.

  • #6

No Goku was 15 years old at the end of the King Piccolo saga.

At the start of Dragon Ball he was 12 but didn't age in 3 years.

He still looked like a little kid at 15.

Suddenly 3 years later in the Piccolo Jr. Saga he's 18 and a giant, Bulma, Roshi, and the gang are surprised at his growth spurt.

Fitting what Jaco said.

The thread is about tails. If you wanna dispute canon about how they grow, make your own thread.

  • #10

He didn't.

15 he was a kid.

18 he was an adult.

  • #12

No he didn't.

Only difference is just art style. Piccolo jr saga Goku looks the same as Saiyan saga Goku.

  • #14

Yes as a baby, child, and adult.

Otherwise, no.

Hand Banana

Hand Banana

Congratulations! You reached the final villain.

  • #15

As a baby Goku looked like a 5 year old.

  • #18

As a baby Goku looked like a 5 year old.

Well he came to earth as a 3 year old, not as a baby.

  • #20

Post the pics then.

Goku was kid size when we see him 3-15 years old.

Goku was adult size when we see him 18+ years old.

Toriyama said they go from kid size to adult size.

Those are the facts.

  • #22

Yeah okay he grew a bit, but he's still only kid size.

You are saying these facts are wrong because of a height change of a few inches?

He is never teen size. Those are the facts.

Goku was kid size when we see him 3-15 years old.

Goku was adult size when we see him 18+ years old.

Toriyama said they go from kid size to adult size.

Those are the facts.

  • #24

Why are you still posting?

What part of stated facts do you not understand?

You are completely ignoring the concept of a fact

If something wasn't a fact in a story, it wouldn't be mentioned in the first place.

  • #26

Okay this is the exact wording from chapter 10 in the Viz.

It allows some leeway for them to still grow a bit, but essentially they are kid size and then adult size suddenly.

Jaco the Galactic Patrolman said:

"...They will usually send a small child to slowly do away with the people on that planet..."

"They have a very long childhood, so they can deceive the people around them as a child until they grow up."

"After that, their body will quickly grow into a size that is suited to fight, and they will continue to create havoc without hardly ever ageing."

  • #28

Okay look.

Realistically, he would have physically had to grow into an adult size yes.

But it's confirmed to happen quickly. So just accept it.

He didn't even notice his growth when we seem him for the first time at 18, based on his convo with Bulma.

Meaning he growth spurt must have been happened quickly over a short period of time (under 3 years), yet gradually every day to the point that he wouldn't notice (a little everyday).

So you're not wrong about him growing, but he wouldn't have had a teenage size time period for longer than days/weeks/months based on the info we got.

He isn't human so he doesn't grow like a human.


Do only Saiyan children regrow their tails?

How Many Times Does Goku Tail Grow Back


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